Go To The Music Library

Using Score To Picture

Score To Picture is the searchable library of music composed and produced by award winning composer Brian Keane. Featuring thousands of selections spanning hundreds of genres, it can be a little daunting at first to understand how to find what you’re looking for. This document will help you navigate the library in the most efficient way possible to suit your project’s needs.

The Home Page

When you click on the Score To Picture link, you’ll be automatically directed to the “Projects” page (Fig. 1 below), which is the default home page of the site.

This is where several genre-specific collections, carefully curated by Brian and his staff, can be accessed and previewed.

Clicking on the title of a Playlist will bring you to a page where you can preview the selections by clicking on the “Play” button to the left of each title (Fig. 1.1 below).

Clicking the “Back” button in your browser returns you to the Projects page.

Briefly, the key features on the Projects page are:

1) The Search Bar - this field is where you enter keywords, either by title, genre (i.e., “Big Band”) or descriptor (i.e., “Romantic”), of the type of music you’re looking for.

2) Login & Register Buttons - either log in to an existing account, or create a new one.

3) The Sidebar - this is where members can create their own Playlists and Cue Sheets for access later.

4) The Navigation Tabs (Tracks, Playlists, & Albums) - clicking on these tabs takes you to different sections of the site. On the home page, the Playlists tab is highlighted. This document will mostly concern itself with the functions found on the “Tracks” page (more on that below).

Searching For Music On The Tracks Page

This is really what you’re here for, so let’s jump right in! On the Projects page, click the “Tracks” navigation tab (pictured in #4 above). This takes you to the Tracks page (Fig. 2 below), where the search controls make it easy to be as general or granular as you wish!

This section of Score To Picture defaults to an alphabetically arranged preview of every title in the catalog, which can be previewed by clicking on the “Play” button to the left of each title.

You’ll notice that, while the Search Bar looks the same as the Projects page, the Sidebar has changed. We’ll discuss how to use that next.

Search With Filters

Using the four filters in the sidebar of the Tracks page is the most efficient way to search by several pre-set parameters that can help you find exactly what you’re looking for. “Genre” is probably the most useful to most directors and editors, but we’ll briefly touch on the other filters first, before deep-diving into the “Genre” functionality:

5) Genre - this allows you to search by several different criteria of descriptor, including emotional content, instrumentation, genre, style, ethnicity, time period, etc., by checking the box to the left of the descriptor.

The descriptors are listed alphabetically, and many, like time period and ethnicity, are classified by type. For instance, if you wanted a piece of music that would be appropriate for the 1950s, you’d scroll down to the T’s for “Time Period Fifties”. Likewise, if you needed a piece of music that evoked the plains of Africa, you’d scroll to the E’s for “Ethnic African”.

A quick scroll down the list will give you a good overview of how the Genre filters are arranged, and is worth taking a moment to do.

6) Cue Type - allows you to filter by a more general musical category by clicking on the box to the left of the descriptor.

7) Tempo - allows you to filter by a specific range of tempos by clicking on the box to the left of the descriptor.

And, finally:

8) Length - allows you to type in a range of timings, if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, but know how much time you need to fill. “Min” and “Max” will change as the library expands.

It’s important to note that all of these filter types can be used in any combination. We’ll demonstrate below:

Search The Catalog With Multiple Filters

In this example, we’re going to filter menus to search for medium tempo titles that feature an acoustic solo instrument, a feeling of unease, and are between 1minute and 2 minutes long:

First, select your Genre descriptors:


You’ll note that as you select some filters, others become greyed out. This will show you whether you can actually use all of the options together. In this example you can (of course).

Now apply the Tempo filter:

Finally, enter the timing range to the Length filter, and click “Apply”:

Your result in the preview field of the Tracks page should look like this:

You can see that, by applying multiple Filters, it’s easy to cull the catalog down to (in this case) the one piece of music out of thousands that fits your criteria.

An important note: you’ll see in the image above (and the detail below) that the criteria selected are displayed above the results field, each with a little red “X” next to them. This makes it easy to broaden your search by clicking the “X” to delete single or multiple descriptors, then selecting new ones from the Filters menu.

Conversely, if you want to start over, simply click on the “X” next to CLEAR ALL, which is ALWAYS located at the end of your descriptor chain. This will clear all filters, and allow you to begin with a clean slate.

Additionally, you can use the “Search all tracks” field to begin a search by typing in any word or words you have in mind (loving, scary, cello, etc.) with a space between them and hitting “Return” or “Enter” on your keyboard. Your search criteria will then appear above the result field like any other filter, which you can discard individually or altogether. You can then apply any of the preset Filters from the menu to help narrow down your results.

Related Search Options (Track Specific)

Related Tracks: As you’re browsing and previewing your search results, you may come across a selection that looks like this:

That little “+3” in the black box means that there are 3 additional tracks using the same theme, but may be a different length or have slightly different instrumentation, but maintain the same overall feeling. Clicking on the little black box will reveal the related tracks nested under the main selection:

Clicking on the little black box a second time will collapse the related tracks and restore your original results page.

Find Similar Tracks: No search engine, not even Google, is foolproof. Score To Picture tries to take that into account by including a “Find Similar Tracks” option in each and every selection in the catalog.

In the rare event that every track result from applying your filters is “close, but no cigar”, simply find the track that is closest to what you’re looking for and click on the menu button to the right of the track title:

Clicking this activates a small pop-up menu. One of the options is named “Similar Tracks”.

Clicking “Similar Tracks” will return a result page that features tracks that may share one or more of your criteria, but also feature others that you may not have considered. This will allow you to preview different options that may be more appropriate for your film.

Downloading Tracks

You’ve found the music you’re looking for…congratulations! Now, you need to download a selection (or more) to temp your film with. We’ll cover how that’s done next.

Individual Downloads: to download a single selection, simply click the download button immediately to the right of the track title:

Clicking this activates a small pop-up menu that shows you the types of audio file that can be downloaded. Clicking the one you want will begin the download process.

Downloads will appear in your Download folder (generally), unless your browser is set otherwise.

Bulk Downloads: often, you’ll want to try putting more than one piece of music against a scene. When you want to download multiple tracks, you’ll do the following:

Click in the blank space between the track title and the download button. The left border of the track will show a green line…

…and this box will appear in the lower left corner of the window:

That box will remain in the lower left corner of the window, no matter how many pages you skip around to, and the track count will increase as you select more. To deselect a track, simply click in the space between the title and the download button to deselect the track.

Continue clicking on as many selections as you wish. When you have them all, go to the box in the lower left corner and click “DOWNLOAD ALL”.

When the audio file menu pops up, simply click the file type you want. Your tracks will be automatically downloaded as a .zip file called “Selected Tracks”.

To clear your download selections, simply click the “CLEAR” button in the box in the lower left corner of your window, and you’re ready to start again!

We hope that this helps you get the most out of your experience at Score To Picture. Thank you for your interest in Brian’s catalog. Happy Filmmaking!

Go To The Music Library

Copyright 2019 Brian Keane Music Inc